Diabetic Retinopathy - Image 5480


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Diabetic Retinopathy - Image 5480 This wide-field fluorescein angiogram image is from the American Society of Retina Specialists Retina Image Bank (ASRS RIB). It was taken by James B. Soque, CRA, OVT-C, COA, FOPS and Pamela A. Weber, MD of Island Retina, Shirley, New York. This image captures all the features of diabetic retinopathy, microaneurysms, venous beading, capillary non-perfusion, and retinal neovascularization.  The “fuzzy” translucent areas of hyperflourescence are caused by extravasating of fluorescent dye through the leaky walls of growing abnormal blood vessels - retinal neovascularization. This is one of the finest examples of diabetic retinopathy in the world. ImageBank.ASRS.org